Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Our aim is to infiltrate deeper into the American market."

Already a market leader in Europe, where 10% of the population (not just 10% of all motorcyclists) ride two-wheelers to work or play, Piaggio believes they can not only convert a portion of our 8 million registered riders to the brand, but also get more of the general population riding as well. "Our aim is to infiltrate deeper into the American market," said Timoni, predicting the number of riders will approach that of the European market, a healthy figure of 20 million riders over the next decade in the U.S.
AAA"s Real Cost of Driving study shows that owning many common midsized sedans cost Americans on average $750 per month to own and operate. Swapping a family's second vehicle for a scooter, we'd be potentially saving $6,000 to $9,000 dollars annually in ownership and operation costs.
While every family needs an automobile, they often own two, with the second car being used less for full family travel and more for simple commutes to work and back. The average cost of ownership for a Vespa is $150 per month. Sell that other car, buy a bike and save nearly $600 per month on average. Cha ching!
For a deeper look at the potential savings when grafted to their model lineups, you can check out the website.


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